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Center for Family and Community Engagement

Meet Us Monday: Dr. Sarah Ascienzo

Assistant Professor in NC State’s School of Social Work

photo of Dr. Sarah Ascienzo
Dr. Sarah Ascienzo

For today’s Meet Us Monday we are highlighting one of our faculty partners, Dr. Sarah Ascienzo. Dr. Ascienzo is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in NC State’s School of Social Work and engages in research, teaching, and service within her role. She currently teaches Research Methods (SW 300), and Practice With Individuals (SW 320) at the undergraduate level. Her research centers around trauma-informed care and provider wellbeing, and is informed by over 15 years of clinical practice experience. Her work with the Center has mostly involved expanding our Addictions Certificate Program. Her favorite part about partnering with the Center is working with faculty, staff and students who have a wealth of knowledge and skills, and the infrastructure to support large-scale projects. In her free time, Dr. Ascienzo can likely be found outdoors, hiking, gardening, or camping. 

Dr. Ascienzo’s most recent publication: 

Ascienzo, S., Sprang, G., Royse, D. (2022). “My bad experiences are not the only things shaping me anymore”: Thematic Analysis of Youth Trauma Narratives. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma, Advance Online publication.

In addition, a manuscript she helped develop was recently awarded the Rose DoBrof Award by the Association for Gerontology Education in Social Work (AGESW). According to AGESW, the Rose Dobrof Award recognizes articles that are “methodologically rigorous, demonstrate strong innovation, and show a great impact in the field of gerontology.”: 

Pope, N., Buchino, S., & Ascienzo, S. (2020). “Just like jail”: Trauma experiences of older homeless men. Journal of Gerontology in Social Work, 63(3), 143-161. Special Edition: Trauma and Later Life.