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FACTT: Family Leadership Within the System of Care

graphic with FACTT logo

The family is a cross-cultural foundation. Regardless of place and time, the family has always been entrusted with the care of children and other vulnerable members within the unit. While the traditional family portrait continues to evolve – to include grand-families, guardians and other care providers – the need of the institution remains the same: leadership is essential to the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual development of the family.

Families are experts in their children’s care. Their experiences are crucial components to the system of care framework because they help create effective and meaningful service-support. 

As such, family engagement is being increasingly recognized as a best practice in providing quality child and youth services. This includes engaging families in services (from ensuring equal service access to involvement in assessment, treatment and care planning), and engaging collaboratively with families to ensure quality utilization of the child and youth system of care services. 

The FACTT program is designed to ensure that the familial experience continues to be represented within system of care policies and practices. To learn more about FACTT, click here: