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Guidance for Family and Youth Partner Trainers

We are excited to announce “Guidance for Family and Youth Partner Trainers.” This online course was developed by the Family Agency Collaborative Training Team (FACTT) as a resource for family and youth partners interested in partnership training. Partnership training teams are defined as two or more trainers who work together to create and deliver training in support of research, practice and policy implementation. These teams consist of at least one trainer, who represents experience within the system being trained, and another trainer who has experience as the recipient of the services, policies or research findings being trained.

This course provides perspective and guidance from Family Partners who have experience training with child serving agencies. This free, on-demand training is self-paced and certificate-bearing.

For more information on this course, please visit our website. The approximate length of this training is one hour. To view registration instructions, please click here: View our PDF 

If you are interested in FACTT, please visit our website.