CFACE Names Acting Director
Craig (Kwesi) Brookins will lead NC State’s Center for Family and Community Engagement as acting director from July 1 – December 31, 2020.
Brookins, associate professor of psychology, currently directs community-university partnerships and engagement for the Center. His research focuses primarily on community development and interventions designed to promote social and psychological health and wellness with youth and adults.
Center Director Sarah Desmarais will be on scholarly leave during this period. She will continue to be involved in ongoing Center projects and grant-funded activities throughout 2020.
NC State’s Center for Family and Community Engagement (CFACE) is a public service and research center that fosters partnerships that are relevant and responsive to families and communities. CFACE supports community engagement, offers training and technical assistance and provides evaluation and research.
This post was originally published in College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
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