Center Awards and Recognitions, 2017-2018
Award for Excellence
Alicia Light, our Instructional Design Technologist, won the University’s Award for Excellence at the college level. Alicia’s nomination highlighted “her excellence as a team member for jumping in, taking a lead, and bringing consistently high quality contributions to the team. Making Alicia’s work even better is her passion for helping communities and families.” In her first year of employment with the center, Alicia took the on-demand courses the center offers to a new level. She worked with subject matter experts and community members to build two important courses in the first few months with the center, How Loss Impacts Youth in Foster Care: What is our role and responsibility within these relationships? and A Resource Parent’s Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD).Both of these courses were built with a software new to the center that provides an engaging interactive learning experience. More recently, she completed a third course, Game Building as Engagement. Throughout the course development process, Alicia helped the writing teams keep the learner at the center.
Pride of the Wolfpack Award
Cindy Wooden, our Project Administrator, received the Pride of the Wolfpack award. Since Cindy Wooden began with the center, she has worked to provide excellent service, streamline processes, and find new ways to enhance the center’s work and staff morale. Her nomination said, “She makes everyone’s life at the center easier by taking initiative and genuinely wanting to enhance the morale. She single handedly books all of our trainings across North Carolina and makes it look easy.” She provides daily support to trainers and training participants, helping create a supportive learning environment for all. She has also taken the quality of our community events to a new level, finding affordable ways to make the events comfortable and engaging through room set up and refreshments.
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