July Brings Great New Training Opportunities with the Center
We, at the center, offer lots of great certificate bearing learning opportunities for child-youth-and-family-serving workers and resource parents. All of our training courses and forums are interactive and full of family-centered learning opportunities.
Training Courses
Live In-Person Training: If you’re looking to learn face-to-face, our live in-person training events across the state cover subjects including family-centered practice, child and family team meetings, diversity, nonresident fathers, and helping families impacted by domestic violence who are involved with child welfare.
Live Online Courses: If you want convenience, our live online courses provide a scheduled opportunity for you to learn real-time from trainers, family partners, and others from across the state about topics. Some of these are about helping youth living in out-of-home care, bringing family supports to CFTs, and holding CFTs with families impacted by domestic violence.
Self-Paced Learning: If you prefer 24 hour access, on-demand courses offer a variety of topics including A Resource Parent’s Guide to Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Supporting LGBTQ Youth in Substitute Care, and How Loss Impacts Youth in Foster Care: What is Our Role and Responsibility? among others and with more coming soon.
Live Online Forums: If you’re looking for a more informal venue, you may want to check out one of our two live online forums, Child and Family Team (CFT) Facilitator Forum or Domestic Violence Forum: Breaking the Silos to Break the Silence. Our live online forums provide even more opportunities to learn and network with others online by voice, chat, and the use of the whiteboard.
Phone Forums: If you prefer the phone, we have a very helpful forum for people working in-home with families, the Family Preservation Program (FPP) Forum.
All of our forums provide opportunities for you to talk with knowledgeable facilitators. Some may also feature guest speakers on hot topics in the area. For example, our June 15 Domestic Violence Forum featured a guest from The Battered Immigrant Project and in May our Family Preservation Program Forum featured a worker who shared his expertise on working with families affected by opioids. Our March CFT Facilitator Forum featured a guest speaker sharing how understanding communication and conflict can help make for better CFT meetings.
What have some recent training participants said they found most helpful?
The wealth of information provided with a wonderful power point – a great road map.
The quote: “Start where I am not where you think I should be.”
The perspective from [the family partner] was phenomenal. Including her as a presenter was very helpful.
The personal story was very helpful as the presenter integrated it into the impact.
The content was more than what the Opioid crisis is, but how to relate well and truly engage a client struggling with addiction.
I would not have known where to start if a client came to me, with the information you shared made me more aware of how to help any of my clients in need.
To check out our new training opportunities for July to December 2018, go to our website and navigate to the pages for each course. For our in-person events, you can even check out our map that shows where across North Carolina you can find our training events.
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