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Senate Bill passed offering “normalcy” to foster youth

SAYSO 2 On July 2nd, Governor McCrory signed a bill into law that will help eliminate bureaucratic barriers preventing foster kids from taking part in normal youth activities. This law, nicknamed the “Normalcy Act”, allows foster parents to give youth in their care permission to participate in after school clubs, field trips, driver’s ed classes, and other activities. Several alumni of SaySo were invited to witness the signing, including Chaney Stokes, a former youth leadership coordinator and youth partner trainer with the Center for Family and Community Engagement, and Marcella Middleton, a current youth partner trainer. As a SaySo Alumni Staff member, Marcella spoke in favor of this bill at a legislative seminar back in May. We extend our congratulations to SaySo, Chaney, and Marcella for their success in advocating for this important piece of legislature. Read the full story here: