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The Center Hosts a Visiting Scholar

Dr Li and Soochow University

by: Stacy Comey

We are excited to introduce Dr. Yan Li, a visiting research scholar from China. Dr. Li, and her daughter Andy, arrived in the U.S. in February 2014 and will be here until August 2014. The Center for Family and Community Engagement is happy to sponsor Dr. Li. While here, she is researching family and community engagement in the United States. When she returns to China she will take the information she gathered here to do a comparative study between the U.S. and China.  Dr. Li received a PhD in Philosophy of Education in 2005; and in 2007, she was certified as a psychological counselor. Her area of study focuses on “The effect of family, school, and community on child development.” She is especially interested in parent-child relationships. Dr. Li has been a counselor at Soochow University, in Jiangsu province, China since 2010. She also uses her knowledge as a volunteer expert at Soochow Parent School Online, a government-based non-profit organization that helps educate parents.