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Oct 17, 2013

The Center for Family and Community Engagement is now five year old!

To read about its accomplishments, see the Center First Five Years 2008-2013

May 14, 2013

CHASS Staff Awards 2013

The college held its annual Awards of Excellence luncheon to recognize and honor CHASS staff, whose efforts, competence, and enthusiasm keep the college humming. Nominations for the Awards for Excellence are based on achievement in outstanding service, innovation, public service, safety, heroism, and human relations.

Apr 25, 2013


Students, faculty, and staff filled the patio outside Caldwell Hall for CHASS Fest — a multidisciplinary celebration organized by the Dean's Office, the CHASS Council, and CHASS students.

belltower in blue sky

Dec 9, 2012

Center Awards and Recognitions, 2011-2012

Check out the Center for Family and Community Engagement awards and recognitions from 2011-2012.

Feb 10, 2012

Giving Voice to Children and Families

Joan Pennell serves as lead guest editor for a special issue of Child Welfare, the country’s leading journal on the topic. The issue, “Taking Child and Family Rights Seriously” highlights family engagement in child welfare, and Pennell is an expert in the topic. Pennell, an NC State professor of social work, directs the Center for Family and Community Engagement.

belltower in blue sky

Dec 9, 2011

Center Awards and Recognitions, 2010-2011

Check out the Center for Family and Community Engagement awards and recognitions from 2010-2011.

Oct 26, 2011

New Project Focuses on Education for Children in Foster Care

Dr. Joan Pennell When children are placed in foster care, it often means a disruption in their education, as well as a change in living situation – which can hurt their educational performance. Now NC State researchers from the Department of Social Work are using a federal grant to launch a project designed to improve…

Jun 9, 2011

CHASS Faculty — Joan Pennell

Professor of Social Work Joan Pennell directs the Center for Family and Community Engagement.  Pennell is an internationally recognized expert in her field, having spent more than 30 years building knowledge about how countries, state, counties, cities and schools can address the dynamics of family violence and the needs of children in these homes.  Her…

belltower in blue sky

Dec 9, 2010

Center Awards and Recognitions, 2009-2010

Check out the Center for Family and Community Engagement awards and recognitions from 2009-2010.

belltower in blue sky

Dec 9, 2009

Center Awards and Recognitions, 2008-2009

Check out the Center for Family and Community Engagement awards and recognitions from 2008-2009.